"And If They Spoke..." XVIIII Le Soleil | The Sun
"And If They Spoke..." XVIII La Lune | The Moon
"And If They Spoke..." XVII Le Toille | The Star
"And If They Spoke..." XVI La Maison Diev | The Tower
"And If They Spoke..." XV Le Diable | The Devil
"And If They Spoke..." XIIII Temperance
"And If They Spoke..." XIII The Nameless Arcanum
"And If They Spoke..." XII Le Pendu| The Hanged Man
"And If They Spoke..." XI La Force| Strength
"And If They Spoke..." X L'a Rove de Fortvne | The Wheel of Fortune
"And If They Spoke..." VIIII L'Hermite | The Hermit
"And If They Spoke..." VIII La Justice | Justice
"And If They Spoke..." VII Le Chariot | The Chariot
"And If They Spoke..." VI Lamovrevx | The Lover
"And If They Spoke..." V Le Pape | The High Priest
"And If They Spoke..." IIII L'Empereur | The Emperor
"And If They Spoke..." III Limperatrice | The Empress
"And If They Spoke..." II La Papesse | The High Priestess
"And If They Spoke..." I Le Bateleur | The Magician
"And If They Spoke..." 0 Le Mat | The Fool